Saturday, 9 April 2016

Our friends

A chant against death is the prompt today, and as yesterday, from Jo Bell's 2013 prompts.  As she suggested I looked first at Mervyn Morris's A Chant against Death. then diverged and took a prayer which you may recognise as the template.  It's a very long time since I looked at my Sunday school bible, awarded to me in 1958.  That's what the fancy label says stuck inside the front page.
Again, this is one I'd go back to and revise.

Our friends

Our friends
who are on the telephone
don’t forget their names.

Your life is now
You will live it now
as it has always been.
Take this day, take what is given
and skip over what has gone past
as the past ignores us.

And the creed is: sustentation.
But kiss, distil
sunshine, wisdom,
inspire stories
of pleasure
for women.

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