Monday, 4 April 2016

Colonial past

In early teenage years I, a white British girl, went to live in Hong Kong.  This poem is about part of my experience there.
I used the prompt from here: Poetry Prompts - first love.  I can barely remember him now, and as you will see I am not sure about all the details.  Again, it needs some work:

colony confession
Sitting on the wall outside our flats
you came to me in your white shirt and white
trousers/shorts with/without a friend. 

I am half Portuguese you once confessed. 
I didn’t know why it was a confession
except you looked Chinese.  That
wasn’t a problem in itself except
in my mind you were a lower ....


  1. Your poems are beautiful and honest.

    1. Thank you Pam. Good to connect up via NaPoWriMo 2016 :)
