Tuesday, 18 April 2017

The glorious future I might have had

Bar-headed goose,
Golden Acre Park, north Leeds
From a fragment I had written in a class some while back, and then I built on it.
So this is Day 18 of NaPoWriMo. I didn't follow a prompt given for today.

The glorious future I might have had

Above the Himalayas I pilot a slanting glider.
At Seville I visit the lacy curves of the Alhambra.
Floating along the Venice canals
I watch the gondolier as she
propels golden twins of pleasure and adventure.

I easily recognise a congregation
of skylarks by their wild hymns.
All the bee sounds and bird calls are named.
Trains’ rush and clatter is packed up
into ears and sold for the price of gold.

Silk-patterned stones lie louche ...

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