Hugely enjoying the writing course at Lancaster University and would recommend it. It's six months long and is really good value for money, and no they are not paying me to say that!
BUT it has put paid to any other writing. Though to be honest I took on some invigilation work this last month so that has taken my time too. As well as playing my beloved melodeon for Persephone Women's Morris. And I've not been able to do as much of that either - I do suffer from low energy levels and get more viruses than normal so have to pace myself - even now I'm retired.
Never got to put a poem in to Grey Hen Press but one aim is to get a short story either submitted to them, or submit one for a competition.
On the mundane side of things I do like this hot weather, even it is humid - it can remind me of my teenager-hood in Hong Kong. That was in the colonial days of course, in the 60s. Lot of water under the bridge for me since then, as well as for China and Hong Kong. Maybe I'll put up a little more detail on that in the next post. Watch this space.